Object: To encourage college and university stations in all ARRL (American Radio Relay League) and RAC (Radio Amateurs of/du Canada) sections to participate in the ARRL November Sweepstakes, compete against other college and university radio clubs, and improve on-campus radio stations.
Contest Rules: CW portion takes place on first full weekend of November, phone portion takes place on third full weekend of November. Both competitions start on their respective Saturday at 2100 UTC and end on their respective Monday 0300 UTC. All ARRL November Sweepstakes rules, as posted on the ARRLWeb, pertain to this collegiate competition. Participation in the North American Collegiate Amateur Radio Club Championship is limited to clubs at institutions of higher learning beyond the high school level.
Entry Categories: There is only one entry category in the Collegiate Championship. Colleges may enter the ARRL November Sweepstakes in any of the valid ARRL November Sweepstakes entry categories.
Participation: All current club members, including alumni members, are allowed to participate.
Station Location: In an effort to encourage club station improvements, all contacts must be made from the established club radio station located on a college campus, if one exists. No "portable" operation from a nearby contest "super station." A club may operate from a member's station provided that a club station on campus does not exist.
Scoring: CW and Phone scores are based on the official ARRL November Sweepstakes results. The combined champion is based on a points system whereby each CW and phone score is divided by the highest scoring collegiate score for that mode and multiplied by 1000. The overall combined score is the sum of the CW and phone points. Only college and university clubs which enter both the CW and phone competitions are eligible for the combined score competition.
Results: Separate champions will be determined for CW, phone and combined scores. All contestants must submit a valid log to the ARRL. Contestants are encouraged to submit a score summary (the contest summary sheet, NOT a complete log!) to the collegiate contest moderator. Provisional scores and winners will be posted on the ham-univ and cq-contest Internet mail reflectors by the moderator, and will be available on the Collegiate Championship home page ( http://www.collegiatechampionship.org/). Send results to:
Contest Moderator: | wm5r@wm5r.org |
Email reflectors: |
ham-univ@w6yx.stanford.edu 3830@contesting.com |
Awards: To be determined.