The Collegiate Championship: Intercollegiate Amateur Radio Contesting
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The Collegiate Championship is an Amateur Radio competition between college and university Amateur Radio clubs that takes place during the ARRL's November Sweepstakes radio contest. All radio clubs at schools of higher education in the United States and Canada are encouraged to participate. The Collegiate Championship is a great way to get club members together as a team, improve operating skills, build better on-campus club stations, and defeat rival schools!

The 2011 Collegiate Championship will be held
November 5-6 (CW) and November 19-20 (Phone)

Although the Collegiate Championship requires valid logs be sent to the ARRL as part of Sweepstakes, claimed scores should still be sent to, so that we can keep a running claimed scores summary until the official results are published.

N5XU Photos
Robert K5PI and Johanna W5JLP operating in the 1999
Collegiate Championship, CW at the University of Texas N5XU.
What's New?
- Check out the Official Results of the 2010 Collegiate Championship!
- Check out the Official Results of the 2009 Collegiate Championship!
Results and More
- Collegiate Championship Results
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Collegiate Championship Rules
- Collegiate Championship Records
- Conference Champions
- College Club Participation By Year

Send comments to:
Ken Harker WM5R
Last updated: 6 November 2011